Uniunea Europeană Guvernul României PosMediu 2007-2013 Instrumente Structurale 2007-2013

Transforming a polluted site into a green area

The Municipality of Turda benefited from funds obtained under the Sectoral Operational Program for Environment for the rehabilitation of the historic polluted site Poşta Rât Turda during the period 2007-2013, but the project was not finalized and was proposed for phasing over the next financing period 2014-2020. Following the phasing of the project,  the Municipality of Turda is beneficiating European financial assistance through the European Union’s  Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020 for the rehabilitation of a historically polluted site. The project named “Phasing out the project Rehabilitation of the Historically Polluted Site – Hazardous Waste Deposit U.C.T. – Poșta Rât (Municipality of Turda)”, has a total value of 79.568.907,00  lei (without VAT) of which 85% is financed from the European Regional Development Fund, 13% from governmental funds, and 2% from the Municipality’s local budget. The project will be carried out during a period of 41 months, and it will be finalized on the 31th of December, 2020. Technical assistance in project management and support for the implementation unit will be given by EuroTop Consulting Ltd.
The polluted site of “Posta Rât” is located on the left side of the river ”Arieș”, in the unincorporated territory of the Municipality of Turda, occupying an approximately 10 ha area. Studies conducted on the ”Roșta Rât” site have shown that the estimated total quantity of waste deposited here over time ads up to 10.000 m3, an equivalent of 18.500 tons of toxic substances. The pollution is due to the activities of the former Turda Chemical Plants (“U.C.T.”), that has deposited hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) a toxic waste resulting from the manufacturing process of lindane - a pesticide used in agriculture - on four locations in Turda during the period of 1954 -1983. One of these locations was ”Poșta Rât”. As a result of toxic waste deposition activities undertaken uncontrollably on the site, the soil and groundwater were polluted. The pollution had negative effects on the area´s biodiversity as well. The results of the water and soil studies conducted on the site brought evidence to the fact that the area is a risk to the local environment and to human health.
The aim of this project is to decontaminate this polluted site and transform it into a green area of public utility. With the implementation of the project the contaminated soil and groundwater will be treated, after which the decontaminated soil shall be covered with a layer of topsoil and replanted with trees. After the decontamination process is completed, in order to ensure a successful remediation, the site will be monitored for a 10 year period, thus limiting the effect of pollution on the surrounding environment and population.


Municipiul Turda
Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund
For information about other programmes co-funded by the European Union, please visit www.fonduri-ue.ro
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